[Solution]HA535 Unit 6 Discussion

Quantitative research and data is important in so many fields, health education being one of them. Using quantitative research to study and explain specific health phenomenon in individuals and groups can help to guide health education campaigns in positive and impactful ways ( (Jack, et al., 2010). By examining studies using quantitative research and looking at the data collected, we can better ascertain the cause of certain health conditions or behaviors and then assess the most effective way of avoiding or resolving them (University of Central Florida, 2020). “Researchers use the research process to determine how to move from an idea about a problem in practice to generating research findings that may contribute to improving that practice” (Gelling, 2015). Evidence-based research can effect a variety of areas in health education by providing current and valid information geared toward the most positive solution. This can serve to influence course material, government assistance programs, health campaigns, and other programs aimed at changing health behaviors and health outcomes.

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