I email the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to obtain data on a health-related topic. The health-related topic I have chosen is Coronavirus of 2019, otherwise known as Covid-19 or Corona, Covid, or 2019-nCov acute respiratory disease. In my experience during Covid-19, the Infectious Disease physicians that I work with on a daily basis, have gained knowledge on how to address this horrible virus by playing it by ear and getting instruction from the CDC daily. Therefore, I will take my questions to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information regarding this virus that has caused a pandemic throughout the world. By cutting the middle-man out, I will save time and resources. There is a tool that CDC promotes that rapidly accesses public health records. It is called CDC Wonder and stands for Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC,2019). It provides you with data access and release, and communication to the CDC to access a variety of public health reports.