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The first of a three stage Kritik Process. For the create stage, follow the activity instructions and read the provided rubric to create your submission.
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De�ning Target Behaviors Rubric
EAB 3794 – RVCC RVDC 1245 / Defining Target Behaviors
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1 of 3 7/2/2024, 12:29 PM
Level 0 Level 1 Weight
Meaning of Criteria 10 at Level 0 Meaning of Criteria 10 at Level 1
Provided a link to the video of the behavior Did not provide the link Provided the link to the video of the behavior
Indenti�ed 1 behavior and assigned a label to the
Did not provide label for the behavior Provided label for the behavior
The behavior and de�nition used observable terms
and passes the Dead Man Test (e.g., “running”
instead of “not walking”)
Does not pass the Dead Man Test The behavior passes the Dead Man Test
The behavior was de�ned clearly and objectively.
Did not use ambiguous terms.
The behavioral de�nition included ambiguous or
subjective terms, that could be interpreted differently and
mean different things to different people. The use of the
ambiguous terms make it harder for multiple observers to
measure the behavior consistently and accurately. (e.g.,
saying a child is “aggressive” without speci�cally de�ning
what topographies of behavior are included such as
“kicking”, “biting”, etc.)
The behavioral de�nition did not include ambiguous
terms. All terms used were clearly de�ned and it is clear
what behavior should be measured. An untrained observer
would be able to read the de�ntion and know what
behavior to collect data on.
Included examples of the behavior This de�nition did not include examples of the behavior or
further clari�cation on what classi�es as behavior.
Includes further clari�cation or examples on what can be
counted as behavior.
Included non-examples of the behavior Does not include non-examples of behavior or provide
further clari�cation on what would not count as behavior.
Meaning of Criteria 5 at Level 1
The de�nition does not include the antecedent of
the behavior
The de�nition includes the antecedent of the behavior Meaning of Criteria 6 at Level 1
The name of the behavior is not used to de�ne the
The name of the behavior is also used to de�ne the
behavior (e.g., yelling: each instance in which Sally yells at
Meaning of Criteria 7 at Level 1
The behavioral de�nition is a de�nition, not an
There is not de�nition of behavior. Only examples were
The de�nition describes what the behavior looks like in
general, so that all future instances of the behavior can be
judged. It is not an example of one time in which the
behavior occurred.
The de�nition is individualized
The behavior is not individualized or speci�c to the
individual that engages in the behavior. It is a generic
de�nition that was not tailored to the individual.
The de�nition is not a general de�nition of behavior, but
instead is speci�c to the individual that engages in the
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
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2 of 3 7/2/2024, 12:29 PM
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3 of 3 7/2/2024, 12:29 PM