[Solution]MGMT 520 Complete Course and Final Exam (Version 2014 ) Devry

In Week 1, we covered ethics and the role law and politics play with it. As we have discussed this week, the government has attempted to protect consumers against unethical loan practices, collection of debt practices, and product costs will continue to make it more difficult to be profitable.

To start our discussion this week – let’s review Case problem 26-17 on page 761 of your eBook. In addition to the question presented by the problem:

1. What responsibilities did Easton and Source One Associates, Inc. have to the individuals and businesses that were the targets of these information requests?

2. What responsibilities did the clients of Easton and Source One Associates, Inc. have to (a) its clients that made the information/inquiry requests and (b) to the individuals and businesses that were the targets of these information requests?

3. Explain the remedies available to the individuals and businesses that were the targets of these inquiries.

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