Well business is in the business of making money so any advantage that a company can get to better market their products they will take it. Now I completely understand how people feel about green technology. But people arent going to stop driving big cars or building massive houses. This will create tensions between people who care or even pay close attention to how products are produced. If you dont way chemicals in your product then youre better off not shopping anywhere. No matter what products are going to have some chemicals in it? The dangers of greenwashing for a business are massive if the right people pay attention this could destroy the credibility of your business. Terrachoice (2007) stated that Well-intentioned consumers may be misled into purchases that do not deliver on their environmental promise (pg. 1). So I would be very careful as a business owner as to destroy the reputation of my business. I would be as truthful as we could be and tell the facts as we know it. Yes as a marketing executive we would definitely have a policy against greenwashing because of the negative impacts to our business. Also because lying is wrong and we want our consumer to trust in our brand and if we say something then we mean it and stand by our statements.
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