[Solution] Power Point

Business Brief Presentation 1 based on Chapter 14 (Gender and Leadership)

business briefings on leadership topics drawn from Northouse’s Interactive Book on Leadership. This presentation is based on either one of the week’s assigned reading chapters. has one slide per person outlining your take on the theory of leadership (with the additional cover slide and reference slides. The slides should: 1) summarize the theory. 2) explain how it adds to leadership studies 3) discuss criticisms of the theory, 4) present some new material on the theory (last five years {the more recent the better}), and 5) provide your group’s assessment of the approach with respect to today’s workforce and current global environment (e.g. is it useful, practical, easy, dated).

The briefing will be assessed using the Rubric criteria on each dimension:

Accuracy – did you make an accurate summary of the theory and its critics

Presentation Quality – were the slides professional (font, size, color choices etc)

Value – did the new material extend the textbook material in a relevant and interesting way

Credibility – was the group’s assessment credible

Text book

Northouse, P.G. (2022) Leadership: Theory and Practice (9th edition), Sage Leadership Theory and Practice (You must have the 9th edition for this class, older editions will not work) By: Peter G. Northouse Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc Print ISBN: 9781544397566, 1544397569 e-text ISBN: 9781071834473, 1071834479













Business Briefing 22

Business Briefing 22
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy

Summary of theory and critics

19 pts

Superior 90-100 pts.

Thoroughly accurate summary of the theory and its critics. [19 to 17.1 points]

17 pts

Excellent 80-89 pts.

Mostly accurate summary of the theory and its critics. [15.2 to 17 points]

15.1 pts

Good 70-79 pts.

Somewhat accurate summary of the theory and its critics. [13.2 to 15.1 points]

13.1 pts

Fair 60-69 pts

Not very accurate summary of the theory and/or its critics. [11.4 to 13.1 points]

11.3 pts

Poor 0-59 pts.

Missing the summary of the theory and/or its critics. [0 to 11.3 points]


19 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTeam

Professional presentation by group members

19 pts

Superior 90-100 pts.

All of the group members presented for at least one minute in a professional manner and no individual presented for more than two minutes. [19 to 17.1 points]

17 pts

Excellent 80-89 pts.

Not all of the group members presented for at least one minute in a professional manner, and no individuals presented for more than two minutes. [15.2 to 17 points]

15.1 pts

Good 70-79 pts.

All of the group members presented for at least one minute in a somewhat professional manner and no individual presented for more than two minutes. [13.2 to 15.1 points]

13.1 pts

Fair 60-69 pts

Not all of the group members presented for at least one minute in a professional manner, and one or more individuals presented for more than two minutes. [11.4 to 13.1 points]

11.3 pts

Poor 0-59 pts.

Not all of the group members presented for at least one minute and the presentation was not done in a professional manner. [0 to 11.3 points]


19 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation Quality

Professional looking slide deck

19 pts

Superior 90-100 pts.

The slides were very professional in terms of (font, size, color choices etc). [19 to 17.1 points]

17 pts

Excellent 80-89 pts.

The slides were professional in terms of (font, size, color choices etc). [15.2 to 17 points]

15.1 pts

Good 70-79 pts.

The slides were somewhat professional in terms of (font, size, color choices etc), but they could have been more engaging to the audience. [13.2 to 15.1 points]

13.1 pts

Fair 60-69 pts

The slides were not professional in terms of (font, size, color choices etc), and/or they could have been more engaging to the audience. [11.4 to 13.1 points]

11.3 pts

Poor 0-59 pts.

The slides were not professional in terms of (font, size, color choices etc) and they were not engaging to the audience. [0 to 11.3 points]


19 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeValue

Extending the conversation beyond the textbook

19 pts

Superior 90-100 pts.

The new material (research) extended the textbook material in a relevant and interesting way. [19 to 17.1 points]

17 pts

Excellent 80-89 pts.

The new material (research) somewhat extended the textbook material in a relevant and interesting way. [15.2 to 17 points]

15.1 pts

Good 70-79 pts.

The new material (research) barely extended the textbook material in a relevant and interesting way. [13.2 to 15.1 points]

13.1 pts

Fair 60-69 pts

The new material (research) barely extended the textbook material and it was not relevant and/or interesting. [11.4 to 13.1 points]

11.3 pts

Poor 0-59 pts.

The new material (research) did not extended the textbook material. [0 to 11.3 points]


19 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCredibility

Reliability of the group’s assessment

19 pts

Superior 90-100 pts.

The group’s assessment was highly credible. [19 to 17.1 points]

17 pts

Excellent 80-89 pts.

The group’s assessment was somewhat credible. [15.2 to 17 points]

15.1 pts

Good 70-79 pts.

The group’s assessment was basically credible. [13.2 to 15.1 points]

13.1 pts

Fair 60-69 pts

The group’s assessment was not very credible. [11.4 to 13.1 points]

11.3 pts

Poor 0-59 pts.

The group’s assessment was not credible. [0 to 11.3 points]


19 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA

Adhere to APA guidelines for citations and references 5%

5 pts

Superior 90-100 pts.

Properly formatted APA style citations and references with 0 errors. [4.5 to 5 points]

4.4 pts

Excellent 80-89 pts.

Properly formatted APA style citations and references with 1 error. [4 to 4.4 points]

3.9 pts

Good 70-79 pts.

Properly formatted APA style citations and references with 2 errors. [3.5 to 3.9 points]

3.4 pts

Fair 60-69 pts

Properly formatted APA style citations and references with 3 errors. [3 to 3.4 points]

2.9 pts

Poor 0-59 pts.

Properly formatted APA style citations and references with more than 3 errors. [0 to 2.9 points]


5 pts

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