Home work

Erik Erikson For this assignment, you will write a 5–7-page (approx. 1,700 – 2,300 words) page paper that outlines Erikson’s 8 Stages of Development. For each stage define and describe in your own words what occurs during this stage. Then provide an example that you create that demonstrates a person at that stage. You may fictionalize your example or use a real-life example of that stage. You will complete this process for each of Erikson’s first eight stages. Each stage should be about ½ a page in your explanation and then about ¼ page with your example. The last page should be a general discussion of what would occur if a person were to get stuck at one stage. Provide several examples of what “getting stuck” would look like. (Note: you do not need to provide an example of “getting stuck” for each stage.) Do not forget to write an abstract, introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. Minimum of three references. Paper should be in APA format and include a title page, abstract, and reference page where you learned about Erikson’s work. Submit paper in Brightspace by the assigned due date. *Must be in .docx, .doc, .rtf, or pdf format. If I am not able to open the assignment, you will receive 0 points. Be sure it is saved in one of the above- mentioned formats. *

1. Title Page 2. Abstract Page 3. 5-7 content pages 4. Reference Page (minimum of 3 scholarly sources)


You must include personal experience and examples that relate to you and your life as you write your paper. Make this your own. See rubric and guidelines in the paper folder.

Erik Erikson Rubric




Outstanding Strong Competent Limited Deficient Points

All eight stages of development covered

Student paints a clear picture of all stages with proper support.

Student paints a picture of theories and they are explored and developed with adequate and reasonable support.

Student paints a picture of the theory and discussed some focus, but there may be problems in organization, support, or direction.

Student fails to demonstrate what the theory is or student slights or ignores important aspects of the assignment; ideas discussed show little focus; there may be problems in organization, support, or direction.

Student fails to demonstrate the theories; student ignores important aspects of the assignment; ideas discussed show little focus; there are problems in organization, support, and/or direction.










Examples of stages.

Student demonstrated appropriate examples of what each stage looks like in development.

Student demonstrated the theories as explained by the theorists with some effectiveness. .

Student demonstrated limited effectiveness of the theory in practice, but lacks depth and detail of its effectiveness some focus, but there may be problems in organization, support, or direction.

Student fails to demonstrate the effectiveness of both theories or ignores important aspects of its effectiveness. Some focus, but there may be problems in organization, support, or direction.

Student fails to demonstrate the theories effectiveness student ignores important aspects of the assignment; ideas discussed show little focus; there are problems in organization, support, and/or direction










Being Stuck Student provides insight into

Student provides some insight into

Student provides limited

Student provides barely

Student does not provide a





what it means if a person gets “stuck” in a stage and how it impacts development.

what it means if a person gets “stuck” in a stage and how it impacts development.

insight into what it means if a person gets “stuck” in a stage and how it impacts development.

acknowledges what it means if a person gets “stuck” in a stage and how it impacts development.

section on “being stuck”.



APA Writing and Grammar

The student demonstrates sophistication in sentence structure and vocabulary; student exhibits superiority in written English and APA writing, though some small flaws may be present.

The student demonstrates sophistication in sentence structure and vocabulary; student exhibits satisfactory written English and APA writing (any flaws are not overwhelming or part of a consistent pattern).

The student demonstrates satisfactory sentence structure and vocabulary; student exhibits developing written English and APA writing, some sentences are difficult to read or understand.

The student demonstrates problematic sentence structure and vocabulary; student exhibits pervasive errors in written English and APA writing; these errors regularly prevent understanding.

The student demonstrates problematic vocabulary, and contains very few coherent or clear sentences; student exhibits pervasive and persistent errors in written English, and APA writing; these errors regularly prevent understanding.